Lamkin launches new N-DUR grips with 3GEN
02 Nov 2009
by AmateurGolf.com Staff

see also: Sponsor News

SAN DIEGO -- Since 1925, Lamkin has left an enduring footprint on both golf grip innovation and the entire grip market. That tradition continues with the introduction of N-DUR with 3GEN, a brand-new functional and innovative proprietary synthetic rubber compound that can help golfers improve control of their swings. The N-DUR with 3GEN is Lamkin's latest premium grip for all woods and irons that combines distinctive surface pattern, a revolutionary new material, and tapered design. All three of these aspects blend to allow the golfer to apply very light grip pressure and gain more control of the club throughout the golf swing. The grips will be available in three color combinations, white/red, white/royal blue, and white/black.

"We are truly excited to introduce this technologically advanced grip," says Bob Lamkin, president and CEO of Lamkin Corporation. "The response among golfers who have tested the grip has been phenomenal. Its unique surface pattern and material characteristics make it playable in all weather conditions. And, in addition to be functionally excellent, it's colorful."

The dual-surface pattern design is functionally innovative, helping alleviate hand tension from the swing so that golfers can play better. The back or underside colored panel bears a series of hexagonal patterns. Within each hexagon is a small indented cylinder. Near the butt end of the grip, those indented cylinders are much more pronounced than towards the bottom - to provide more feel and help secure the golfer's top three fingers of the underside hand. Meanwhile, the smoother front-side panel surface pattern feels distinctively comfortable. This design helps players to get the grip in their fingers where it's supposed to be, and ease their hand pressure, tension, and thus fatigue - getting them maximum traction and control throughout the swing without having to squeeze the grip. Working in conjunction with one another, the dual panels also protect hands from slipping -- allowing the golfer to achieve higher swing speeds while maintaining control.

Lamkin's new proprietary 3GEN material, a very unique synthetic rubber compound that's both soft and tacky, provides unmatched "single-strike" vibration-dampening properties that protect a golfer's hands and arm joints from jarring shockwaves. Used in other applications and industries, 3GEN mutes virtually all vibration and stinging of the hands at impact, providing an incredibly soft feel. The material maintains a high level of tackiness and can be easily wiped for a fresh feel and excellent traction. Unlike soft polyurethane grips, 3GEN is a form of synthetic rubber that has very low torque - similar to that of a traditional rubber grip -- and will not feel as if it's sliding around the shaft at impact. That firmness lasts throughout the life of the grip. 3GEN also features a vastly improved resistance to environmental aging and weathering factors. The material will not absorb any moisture and its tackiness is activated by toweling off the grip or using a light abrasive brush. It continually performs better if it's cleaned regularly.

The grip's "Performance Plus" reduced taper profile from butt end to the bottom allows the golfer's hands to work together as one unit, providing more control over the club with less grip pressure. The dimensions were made so that the lower hand area is slightly larger (this is where PGA Tour pros typically request size bulk-up on their grips) with less taper, making a size that works gracefully with the surface pattern to allow the golfer to have a unified grip with less tension throughout the entire swing -- resulting in higher swing speeds, more control over shots, and more distance.

Lamkin Corporation, a family owned company headquartered in San Diego, has been manufacturing the highest quality and best performing grips in the golf industry since 1925. From golf's finest leather grips to unmatched proprietary compounds, Lamkin grips give players at every level a better feel for their game. This history of excellence has made Lamkin the chosen grip of nearly every major club manufacturer and professional golfers worldwide.

Find out more about Lamkin's other remarkable products, the Performance Plus with 3GEN and the all new 2Ten oversize putter grip that is made of polyurethane and tip the scales at only 86grams (that compares with some jumbo putter products that weigh close to 200 grams!) To find out more -- you can even ask a technical question -- visit Lamkin Grips on the web at:

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