Callaway Customs Wedge Program: My Order is In!
27 Oct 2016
by Pete Wlodkowski of AmateurGolf.com

see also: Equipment Reviews

My Callaway Customs MD3 Wedge
My Callaway Customs MD3 Wedge

Today Callaway Golf officially announced its new Callaway Customs wedge program. I was about to write a "coming soon" press release, but then it dawned on me. If the "Customs" website is functioning now, I'm ordering one to try it out.

What I didn't count on is what happened next.

After a long day of work (yes, I work) I jumped online to order a wedge. It was 6:00pm, and by 6:10 my MD3 wedge was starting to take on it's own look. I started with the matte black finish, then started experimenting with paint fills. The horizontal line, the loft/lie stamp on the bottom, and the grind engraving can be custom paint filled. But for those distinctive ports in the back, I just couldn't decide.

I settled on a Red-Yellow-Blue-Green combo, but then a thought struck me. What I was looking at was somewhat similar to the famous umbrella in Arnold Palmer's logo Why not match its Red-Yellow-White-Green color combo?

A step later and I realized I could also put a custom line of text on the back. (And if I haven't mentioned it before all these changes come to life in front of you in real time.) Amateur Golf was too many letters, as was my last name (all 10 letters of it). So I tried something else.

"For Arnie."

As I looked at the completed design on the screen in front of me I got a little choked up thinking about the role model Arnold Palmer was for me. How one day, at the Greater Hartford Open as a 15-year-old standard bearer on a 90 degree day he turned to me on the 17th tee of Wethersfield CC.

After looking me straight in my red face, he reached into an ice bucket full of towels and grabbed one, wringing it out with his big hands and forearms. He walked back over, and put it around my neck.

"This will cool you down."

I was too awestruck to tell him I was the same kid who wrote him a letter asking why he hadn't played the Greater Hartford Open in years, since it was his first victory in the U.S, back when it was called the Insurance City Open. Or that his letter, telling me he in fact planned to play, had coincidentally been dated on my birthday.

But today, thanks to Callaway Customs, I'm excited to receive my own memorial wedge. When it arrives, I'm definitely posting photos.

Putting the nostalgia aside, you'd have to be asleep to not know that Callaway is now a serious player in the wedge market. Their MD3 wedges are highly technical tools of the trade, not just something to put fancy paint fills on. But since you can, why not?

To order, visit the Callaway Customs website.

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