Oak Hill Country Club and its
famous East Course are located in the
quaint village of Pittsford, New York just
outside of Rochester. To properly put
Oak Hill into perspective relative to the
heritage of our great game, consider this:
the club employs two historians.
More than ten important championships
have been played here over the years,
starting with the 1949 U.S. Amateur, won
by amateur legend Charie Coe. (A
complete listing follows.) All of the major
men’s events held by both the PGA and
USGA have been held at Oak Hill over the
years. Oak Hill is the only club to hold
such a distinction. And in the gorgeous
Tudor clubhouse are rooms and halls filled
with memorabilia, trophies, and relics of
these events as well as a room dedicated
to long time pro Craig Harmon of the
famous Harmon family. Read full Oak Hill
Country Club East Course review>