Stocker Cup 2012 Open Qualifier
October 02 2012
Novato, CA


Tournament Overview

Qualifying event for the Stocker Cup Invitational, the premier amateur tournament on the West Coast. The 2012 Stocker Cup will be held October 24-28 at the Preserve Golf Club in Carmel, California (see the website at www.stockercup.com for all tournament details).

Actual number of players who get into the event depends on size of qualifier field - in the past an average of 3-5 players have gained a spot in this prestigious event and experienced the Preserve Golf Club in a competitive tournament setting. It simply doesn't get any better!

Get your entry in quickly to secure your spot. Please have verifiable handicap credentials (see below).

The Stocker Cup is a Golfweek/amateurgolf.com Rankings Points event for Mid-Amateur golfers. Players attempting to qualify must be at least 25 years of age as of the first round of the Stocker Cup, and have a USGA or equivalent handicap index of 3.9 or lower. Players advancing to the tournament proper will pay the "A" player entry fee of $775.00 which covers practice round and at least 54 holes of tournament golf, plus tournament dinner for player and spouse, and many extras.

Search Terms

Format: Stroke Play
Categories: Men
Regions: Northern California, Pacific, Southern California


Bay Clubs StoneTree Golf Club Bay Clubs StoneTree Golf Club
9 Stonetree Ln
Novato, CA  94945-3541
phone: (415) 209-6090
url: www.bayclubs.com/stonetree

Tournament News

17373Wesley BoudreauxCovington, LA
17373Tal TartagliaReedley, CA
37474Brian SwensonDublin, CA
47575Hank McCuskerMendocino, CA
47575Bret WagarMorgan Hill, CA
67676Craig KilcoyneConcord, CA
77878Bruce HanavanSan Anselmo, CA
87979David OberRiverside, CA
98181blake nicolailong beach, CA
108383Robert GoodwinAtherton, CA
108383Chad SolterLarkspur, CA
128686john graycameron park, CA
128686Samuel PetkeLos Gatos, CA
149090Barry SoicherMill Valley, CA
159696Ryan KimPalo Alto, CA
16dnsdnsDavid LaRosaOakland, CA
16dnsdnsTroy LaughlinYorba Linda, CA
18ncncH. Curtis AbbeyPortola Valley, CA
18ncncJohn HammSan Francisco, CA
Senior Championship
17777Michael MurphyOakland, CA
2ncncEdward StricklandAlameda, CA

Pairings for Round 1 on Tuesday October 2 follow.

Tee #1 08:00 AM
Samuel PetkeLos Gatos, CAChampionship
Brian SwensonDublin, CAChampionship
Tee #1 08:10 AM
Robert GoodwinAtherton, CAChampionship
john graycameron park, CAChampionship
Tal TartagliaReedley, CAChampionship
Tee #1 08:20 AM
Bruce HanavanSan Anselmo, CAChampionship
Craig KilcoyneConcord, CAChampionship
Tee #1 08:30 AM
Wesley BoudreauxCovington, LAChampionship
Hank McCuskerMendocino, CAChampionship
David OberRiverside, CAChampionship
Tee #1 08:40 AM
Ryan KimPalo Alto, CAChampionship
blake nicolailong beach, CAChampionship
Bret WagarMorgan Hill, CAChampionship
Tee #1 08:50 AM
Barry SoicherMill Valley, CAChampionship
Chad SolterLarkspur, CAChampionship
Tee #1 09:00 AM
Michael MurphyOakland, CASenior Championship

H. Curtis AbbeyPortola Valley, CA
Wesley BoudreauxCovington, LA
Robert GoodwinAtherton, CA
john graycameron park, CA
John HammSan Francisco, CA
Bruce HanavanSan Anselmo, CA
Craig KilcoyneConcord, CA
Ryan KimPalo Alto, CA
David LaRosaOakland, CA
Troy LaughlinYorba Linda, CA
Hank McCuskerMendocino, CA
blake nicolailong beach, CA
David OberRiverside, CA
Samuel PetkeLos Gatos, CA
Barry SoicherMill Valley, CA
Chad SolterLarkspur, CA
Brian SwensonDublin, CA
Tal TartagliaReedley, CA
Bret WagarMorgan Hill, CA
Senior Championship
Michael MurphyOakland, CA
Edward StricklandAlameda, CA

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AmateurGolf.com has partnered with HotelPlanner to negotiate special hotel rates and consolidate the best hotel rates available to the public for the tournament dates.

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Contact Information

Brandie Hammontree, Tournament Coordinator
AmateurGolf.com, Inc.
6965 El Camino Real #105-631
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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6965 El Camino Real 105-631
Carlsbad, CA 92009

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