Project X Shafts Review
29 Mar 2011
by Pete Wlodkowski of AmateurGolf.com

see also: Equipment Reviews

Having a product as successful as Project X is a dream for any company. Project X steel shafts -- well known for their distinctive "step-less" design and heritage of consistent performance -- are seen in the bags of Tour winners week in and week out. That's some of the best free advertising a company like True Temper can get.

So why did it take two years for True Temper to release Project X graphite?

The answer lies in wanting to get it right the first time. Consumers, particularly in golf, are very demanding of premium products. And the engineers at True Temper wanted to make sure they had a complete product with similar playability to Project X steel shafts prior to making them available to the general public.

Project X graphite shaft models include driver, fairway, and hybrid models in a full range of frequencies (Project X shafts are fitted on frequency, not flex, but more on that later) and in both standard and Tour issue. I spoke to the designer of the shaft, True Temper Product Engineer Don Brown, who told me that the quality of the basic materials and the stiffness in the butt and the tip have produced a number of desirable results. The shafts load consistently, and have been tested to reduce spin to the levels desired by better players. Brown emphasized the importance of fitting, a sure sign that he knows the business and understands the business. Spending $200 or more on a shaft and not getting fit is like buying a pair of shoes online. You might get it right, but you're taking your chances.

My own personal testing has proven that Project X shafts revealed that while they may not be suitable for a beginning player, these highly consistent shafts are not just for Tour players either. My swing speed is in the 100 to 105 mph range, and with a 6.0 shaft in my hybrid and driver I'm getting really good launch, and feeling the club in the "slot" before making my move down from the top. I love the deep blue finish, with just enough graphic edginess to spiff up the look of my clubs without being a distraction. The ability to consistently load the shaft results in the confidence to work the ball either way, particularly with the hybrid, which many people complain about hitting only one way (usually right to left for a right handed player).

Project X shafts are in the middle to upper price range and on a value basis I rate them very high. Some players are always going to go for the "Tour Issue" and I agree that knowing you are playing the high end is great. But my hybrid has a standard Project X 6.0 and I love it.

What more could you ask for?

Some links below will help you find Project X and Project X Tour Issue shafts.

Project X website>
Tour Performance Fitting Centers website>

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